Wyoming Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An Employer Identification Number (EIN, FEIN, or Federal Tax ID Number) is a number assigned to a business by the IRS for taxation purposes. Essentially, Federal Tax ID Numbers are the equivalent of a business’ social security number. EINs are mandatory for all businesses that file US tax returns.
EINs for Wyoming businesses are relatively easy to get, and free, but if you don’t feel like dealing with the hassle, we offer Tax ID service for an added fee of $50 when you hire us to form your business.
How to Get an EIN |
Most registered agent and incorporation service companies want to make the task seem difficult to charge you more money to obtain EINs for your new businesses. But we think that part of being the best Wyoming Registered Agent is helping to explain how to do simple tasks on your own to save you money. As a convenience, if you hire us to form your LLC, corporation, or partnership for you, we do offer a Tax ID service for $50. However, EINs for Wyoming businesses are free and simple to obtain. To get an EIN for a Wyoming business, just follow the steps below: |
EIN Instructions for Non-US Filers and Foreign Companies |
To apply online, foreign filers must already have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). If you are a foreign filer without an ITIN (there is no real reason for foreign filers to obtain an ITIN number‚ if the EIN is what you want), you can still obtain an EIN, but you’ll need to apply by using the Form SS-4 and mailing it in.
When you hire us to act as your registered agent or to form your LLC or corporation, you get to use our address on your Wyoming formation documents. Our clients can even use our address on their EIN applications, which allows their personal information to remain private. Once we receive the EIN confirmation letter from the IRS (usually takes 4 to 8 weeks), we’ll scan the letter and upload it into your online account. |
Best Wyoming Registered Agent will obtain an EIN for you when you hire us to form a company for you or hire us as your Wyoming registered agent. Hiring us means that you’ll be able to use our address and keep yours private on the EIN application, and Wyoming formation documents. We also offer virtual office services that come with a local phone number, unique address, an office lease, and enhanced mail forwarding services.